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Friday 21 October 2016

Mamman Daura became more powerful man than President Buhari.

President Buhari with his nephew Daura in LondonThere had been reports that thereis the man who is standing behind all the decisions of President Muhammadu Buhari.In fact, he is said to be so powerful and influential that he holds a position no one has and can ever hold in the life of the Buhari.His name is Mamman Daura and he is said to be two and half years older than the Nigerian leader.The nephew-uncle relations are described as extremely close and date back to childhood years.Some people consider that even Daura is so powerful that he almost rules Nigeria and is standing behind all decisions of the Nigerian president.

Meanwhile, what has often not been reported is how Daura came to earn so much influence on the president.Daura is the son of Buhari’s elder brother, but since he is three years older, the Nigerian leader is “awkwardly” his uncle.John Paden, an American professor, in the book“Muhammadu Buhari: The Challenges of Leadership in Nigeria”gives a historical insight intothe important role Daura played in the formative years of the incumbent Nigerian leader.According to the US professor, Daura, along with Waziri al-Hassan (Buhari’s foster father) encouraged Buhari“to settle down and take his studies seriously”.Buhari’s nephew also “strongly encouraged” young man to join the army in 1961.Paden said that he would become a “life-long inspiration and confidant toBuhari” who guided him all through his formative years.Daura had known Buhari for 73 years.The book reads in part: “After the death of his mother in December 1988, Buhari was released and traveled to Daura for the mourning. When he arrived in Daura, he found his farm much as he had left it. His senior brother (the father of Mamman Daura), along with the Barden Daura, had managed the cattle, sheep, and horses in his absence”.“When Buhari’s father died, Waziri al-Hasan – the son of Emir Musa ­ became the guardian of Zulaihat (Buhari’s mother) and her six children, including her youngest,  Muhammadu. This played  a  major  role in the upbringing of Buhari.“This extensive kinship network also affected the future of Buhari in another important way. His senior brother was the father of Mamman Daura, who was three years older than Buhari, although technically his nephew. Mamman would become a life-long inspiration and confidant to Buhari. He was especially critical in encouraging Buhari to pursue lifelong education.“Like many boys at that time and place, Buhari went to Quranic school before going to primary school. He was not enthusiastic about these studies. Early each morning, he would get up and have to fetch firewood for his teacher for the evening Qur’anic readings. There were also several hours of Qur’anic lessons in the morning, at a time when Buhari would rather be outside playing.

“In part because of his love of the outdoors, Buhari was a reluctant student in his early years. He would often skip school altogether, although this always resulted in beatings with a cane by the schoolmaster. Only with the encouragement of Waziri al-Hasan and Mamman Daura did he eventually settle down and take his studies seriously.”Professor Paden further wrote:“Meanwhile, the Emir of Katsina, whose emirate adjoined Daura  Emirate, was encouraging bright  young men to go into the military andtrain to become officers.  His own son, Hassan Katsina, had  become a military officer.“When Buhari was considering his options in 1960, Hassan Katsina would often take the secondary school boys out for night hikes and to sleep under the stars. Buhari enjoyed the great sense of adventureof these nighttime ventures into nature.“In addition to considering the military because of the example set by Hassan Katsina, Buhari recognized that officer training provided  a pathway to further education. Yet  another impetus was provided  by Mamman Daura, who strongly encouraged his “younger uncle” to consider officer training and higher education.

“Buhari, who was now nineteen yearsold, had to take several exams even to be considered for officer training. He was able to pass English, mathematics, and general knowledge, plus he met the physical requirements. Still, the competition was nationwide, and only about seventy boys would be selected for officer candidate school. Of these, only half would be commissioned.“The competition was thus stiff, but Buhari was among those selected. One of the key qualities needed in the military was “leadership.” Buhari would prove himself time and again to possess that rare gift.”



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