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Monday, 3 October 2016

Poem: RAILWAY OF MY POETRY_ Membis Godwin.

My poetry is a big city_
If you don't know the way
You get lost search in the bay
Just watch and stay
Say all with your wounded lip
In the streets that links all chambers
Is a railway where love and affection runs in lines and stanzas
Should I call you the street light that is against my blindness (mistakes)
It would be taged understatement
For you are brighter than the sun that shines
You are my glory and pride and I will wear you and ride all round the railway of my heart
My love for you will run in my music
In my blues and rasta song
And doves would come to rest on this tree of love planted here before now
Centuries buried
All that would break us buried
And if I give you now the confession of my affection hug and keep it, belive it and don't think about it to avoid doubt

If been to this lines of poetry that calls you: ONE AND ONLY
(c) Membis Godwin Chukwukamma
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