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Sunday, 19 November 2017

Dakingsweb Update: Nollywood Actress, Nichole Banna Shares her Testimony - 'I used to smoke, masturbate and date married men until I met Jesus'

In a post she shared on her IG page, Nollywood actress, Nichole Banna, recounted how she used to smoke, masturbate a lot and even date married men until she met Jesus and changed. She warned young girls in the habit of dating married men to desist from it as the consequences are generational. Read her inspiring post below am sharing this testimony because I want to honour the one behind the transformation in my life. I have always been a God fearing girl, my relationship with the Holy Spirit is one that gets stronger by the day. Am grateful for being connected to a great man of God David Ibiyeomiewhom through his teachings and books have brought me closer to God. There's a difference between having a relationship with the Holy Spirit and being religious. Am glad I can boldly say I belong to Jesus Christ because I really fear and try my best to obey all I see in His wordwith the Help of my Sweet Holy Spirit. Before now I was just that young girl that wanted everything some girls thought are the priorities in life. So back then I dated married men whom will end up loving me somuch and doing all I asked,thereby spending less time with their wives. Back then it felt good to be loved and taken care by someone's husband and it seemed normal.But as God may have it i became born again. Attended WOLBI (WORD OF LIFE BIBLE SCHOOL )in Salvation Ministries. I encountered light and stopped everything that has to do with married men and all they had to offer despite the pressure. I became content with what I have and trust me God didn't lie when He said that He will provide everything I needed if I seek Him first. Letting go of that completely doesn't make me a perfect girl because no one is perfect but it felt good to go into a covenant with God,and watch Him fulfil His own part. The transformation didn't end there cause I still had other things I was doing that doesnt glorify God.I use to smoke and mastubate alot and that made me have less friends andbecause I didn't want the dirty habits known publicly.

Though After WOLBI I stopped smoking and mastubating for a while, after some time ,i backslided and became worst with the habits.I smoke all thetime coupled with the challenges i was going through then.In the midst of this I still loved God,kept praying and asking for mercy especially after each action. Am grateful to God because I know He has healed me completely and this is the proof that am free from that demonic influence because I kept praying and asking for mercy especially after each act. Am grateful to God because I know He has healed me completely and this is the proof that am free from that demonic influence because it was abig battle for me to testify openly. I practiced this secretly because I didn't want my sister to know about it and especially the public,I didn't want to mislead my fans because everyone's grace differs. Please this is to encourage you, nomatter what you are doing don't let go of God's hands,keep striving to be better. Again for the ones that still date married men cause of money,please stop because the consequences are generational. Same money you will get if you work hard and be content. I wish I can explain better than this but am not a pastor, am just a young girl that has surrendered totally to the Lordship of our Lord Jesus Christ. And for those struggling to stop anyhabit, don't be too hard on yourself. Just keep asking the Holy Spirit for help. One day you will testify like me. My testimony isn't here for you to judge me or unfriend me becausethe truth is bitter. I am not judging anyone aswell. I believe there's hope for everyone. If I can be better trust me you can be aswell. Heaven is real, God is real. Am glad I belongto Jesus Christ and He doesn't judge me. He is your father. Go to Him however you are,He won't let you down. Please instead of castigating me,take the lesson and keep praying for every one out there. We all are in a battle field. God bless you all. #JesusisLord #mytestimony#notasaintoo #nwachinemere

posted from Bloggeroid


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